bones1 En Halloween, the eve of All Saints, We continue to pursue our main objective: take care of your physical health and state. Por ello, Today in our publication we want to update our healthy tips answering two questions:

What do we know about the vegetarian and especially vegan?

What benefits we can get pumpkin at bone level?

1. What do we know about the vegetarian and especially vegan?

With age our bones are getting weaker time if we do not learn to nurture correctly.

Osteoporosis is a chronic condition associated with progressive loss of bone mineral density (DMO) que compromete la fuerza del hueso, con el incremento del riesgo de fracturarse con el tiempo.

veganVegetarian diets tend to contain low amounts of calcium, vitamina D, B-12, protein and fatty acid N-3, los cuales tienen importantes roles en el mantenimiento de la salud de los huesos. There is less bioavailability of zinc in amounts of vegetarian diets, suggesting the need to increase these amounts to maintain adequate levels. These diets usually contain protective nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, vitamina K, antioxidants and phytonutrients and anti-inflammatory.

On the one hand, no evidence that vegetarians, particularly vegans, They may be at the greatest risk for low BMD and fractures at bone level.

Several studies and meta-analysis shown in this article that show low bone mineral density in vegans who eat low calcium levels compared to omnivores. But nevertheless, there were no differences in BMD between vegans, Carnivorous, People who eat fish or lactovovegetarianos.

What the evidence suggests is that vegan diets in particular have shown an increased risk of osteoporosis compared to other diets. That is why we must look closely at these diets to better understand how they can contribute to this risk and advise vegetarians to eat beneficially and protect our bones as much as possible.

2. What benefits we can get pumpkin at bone level?

pumpkinsIn studies concerning this food, We found that the pumpkin helps keep our bodies at lower levels of oxidizing components compared with people who do not take pumpkin.

It is therefore important to control our body components oxidize causing increased inflammation of the bones causing ailments and conditions such as osteoarthritis.

Pumpkin is a good antioxidant and anti-inflammatory to help us hold off these menacing components.

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http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/100/Supplement_1/329S.full.pdf html?sid=964de9f5­5225­4133­910d­fa9acde3348d







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